Frequently Asked Questions

To make certain you have all the information you need, we’ve compiled answers to frequently asked questions about our service bodies for utes, trailers, and trucks below.

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Hidrive service bodies are available in multiple sizes to suit all of the most popular truck chassis in Australia.

2.0 ton and 3.2 ton trailer chassis.

Finished height will depend on several factors such as the suspension and if appropriate, any upgrade to the suspension, the height of the canopy and other factors. Feel free to chat with a member of our team to help us better understand your requirements so that we might make a fit-for-purpose recommendation and estimate of the finished height, based on our experience.

Equipping your assets with high-quality Hidrive accessories ensures compatibility, warranty and in the case of the tow bar, fit with the vehicle body length.

We drop the towbar to the right height, so there’s a safe gap between the tow-ball and your service body, avoiding hand jamming injuries when attaching / detaching trailers.

While our trailers are designed to withstand extremes, it is recommended that tailers operate within safe working limits.

It is likely that your vehicle wrap may begin to fade after around 4 years. Like paint, vehicle graphics will fade over time. Fading can be reduced by garaging and appropriately washing your fleet.