How to Restrain Loads Safely

February 15, 2017

It is essential to your own safety and that of the general public to ensure that all loads are adequately secured to your vehicle. Hidrive offers a range of accessories to help make sure you comply with all the legal requirements of safe and responsible driving.

What does restraining loads mean?

While the specifics vary from state to state it is generally accepted that loads should be secured in a way that they do not become dislodged from the vehicle. Any load movement needs to be limited so that it does not affect the vehicle’s stability and weight distribution.

Why is restraining loads important?

Uncovered loads and loose loads can be dangerous – and sometimes fatal – to you and other drivers on the road. It is an offence in all states if your load is not properly restrained and is at risk of falling from your vehicle. It is the driver’s responsibility to be in possession of the appropriate load restraint equipment.

Top tips to properly secure your load

  • Make sure you are using restraints that meet Australian standards
  • Regularly check your restraints throughout the trip
  • Bundle similar items together
  • Use anti-slip matting to prevent objects from sliding
  • Use nets and tarpaulins to restrain lighter items
  • Make sure heavy items are not loaded on top of light items
  • Fill gaps between piles with other items and secure

How Hidrive can help

Hidrive provides a range of accessories that can assist you to properly restrain your load. A list of our load restraint systems includes:

Commercial roof bars – usually a set of 3 bars, these are excellent for general long loads, ladders etc to be secured safely to the roof of the service body.

Trades rack – with various lengths available, these provide support over the cabin roof area for securing trade related materials and ladders etc.

Restraint track with adjustable and removable anchor points – these are in the tray section or the service body, and are normally fixed to the floor of the body to restrain bulky items.

Restraint eye bolts – these fit into the integrated strut in the Hidrive body in different locations as required, and are useful for restraining containers and other items.

Full canopy service body – these offer peace of mind for uncovered loads fines or infringements, and are a safe and secure area for tools of trade.

Cargo/loadnet – these are used to secure loads in the tray section for part tray and Tool Canopy service bodies.

Where to find more information

For further information and load restraint guides, please refer to this list of official government resources:

  • Vic Roads
  • Roads and Maritime