Quantum Leap Forward for Pest Control with Hidrive Service Body Canopies

September 30, 2016

Hidrive Case Study - Service Bodies for Utes

With decades of experience behind them, the team at Canberra Pest Control have a great reputation for their efficient and effective pest control solutions. But, they had a problem – their previous vehicle fleet did not align with their vision to take their business to the next level.

Hidrive were charged with fitting their fleet of Mitsubishi Triton single cab utes with new service bodies, with the brief that the service body canopies convey the company image and be reliable and functional at the same time. The new service bodies ensured the safe and efficient storage of pest control consumables, with easy access to all their equipment and tools of trade.

Additionally, the signage space on Hidrive has allowed Canberra Pest Control to make a quantum leap forward, as their easily-recognised vehicles draw attention to their brand and bring in new business. CPC is thrilled with the result, and already planning to work with Hidrive again in future.