The Top 10 Reasons for choosing a Hidrive Service Body

October 24, 2016

Service Bodies For Utes, Trailers & Trucks

Hidrive service bodies offer innovative design, convenient storage solutions, safe working conditions and superior protection for equipment and tools of trade. Here are ten good reasons why you need a Hidrive service body:

1. Avoid penetrating panels with internal integrated accessory fixing track

The simple modular accessory installation and re-positioning system inside the service body eliminates the need for fixings to penetrate the panels.

2. Versatile external integrated accessory fixing track

This allows for the safe and easy installation of external accessories that can be re-positioned without drilling the service body panels.

3. Weather protection with internal dual-action adjustable hinge

The concealed adjustable hinges ensure that moving parts are not exposed to weather conditions, providing optimum security.

4. Proven reliability with aluminium polymer co-bonded construction

The engineered aluminium fuselage with polymer co-bonded panels delivers the lightest weight possible, with unrivalled reliability.

5. Safe and easy to unload with the flush floor system

The flush floor system means that your workspace is safe and easy to unload, with clear access to tools of trade, shelving and drawers.

6. Vision to get the job done with LED high quality lighting

Get the best vision possible with LED lighting that meets Australian Design Rules. Complies with ADR: 1/00, 6/00, 13/00, 48/00, 49/00, 60/00.

7. A safe and dry workspace with door open seals

A high quality door open seal creates a gutter, channeling water away and keeping your workspace safe and dry while door is open.

8. Protected from dust and moisture with positive sealing system

The unique positive sealing system ensures that your workspace is always positively sealed against dust and water ingress, to protect ute contents.

9. Versatile storage with under tray-integrated accessory fixing track

This integrated accessory-fixing track ensures versatile and positive fixing for under tray accessories such as water tanks and boxes.

10. Colour matching with colour coded 2K automotive finishes

Our 2K automotive paint finish ensures a perfect colour match to the existing vehicle in white or OEM metallic, for low maintenance and long-term durability.


Discover the Hidrive difference for your fleet!

We pride ourselves with the level of quality and configurability of our product, providing businesses with the opportunity to expand their fleet and improve the efficiency of service processes whilst out on call, in the field or on the road just as we were able to do with Conquest.

Contact us to see how we can deliver your fleet a quantum leap forward!